Thursday, December 30, 2010

“For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God."

The above is another weird cryptic St. Paul quote from the bible book of Galations. So what was this first century Christian Apostle talking about? If you stopped and interviewed 20 people at the mall and asked them what this statement above means they wouldn't know and probably wouldn't care. Yet this death to the law concept is stated over and over by multiple writers in the most read and highly regarded literature in the entire western world..the Bible. Now I'm definetely not saying because its in the bible it's true. I am however saying 40 million frenchmen can't be wrong..the bible must have something in it which has rung true to a good share of humanity for thousands of years.

So...what can a modern person take from this statement above (I died to the law)..2000 years old? OK here goes: All the term died to the law" above means is that mankind's multiple numerous ways of climbing up to God through the major religions of Islam, Christianity,Hinduism, Bhuddism,Freud, Marxism, diet, excercise, yoga, doing good, charity work, eating twinkies, you name it..accomplishes nothing. There is nothing you can religious or psychological or physical act can put you in a good relationship with God.

So dying to the law means accepting there is not a dam thing you can do to be in that relationship you "may" want with God. I say may because you may not and in fact are probably not even interested.

Well thats not a bad place to start. Even a lack of interest in a relationship with God is a little closer than all the religious ways of approaching God I named above.

Not being interested in a way is a death to the religious ways I named above. In one of the books of the New Testament Bible Paul gives us some insider information on this strange God I am trying to tell you about. I'll paraphrase it. The Jews, arguably the most religious group or nationality on the planet, the actual chosen people, missed the boat. The Jews, the ones ones most interested and zealous for God, missed the boat. So what does God do..He goes to those who aren't even interested in! He says I am having this grand universal eternal party and my first choice invitees (the Jews) never really understand me so I will invite the unvarnished masses. I will give them an absolute free ticket to my eternal party..and I won't be mad even if they aren't interested. They won't know it but I will put a ticket to the banquet right in their backpocket (so it won't slip out when they are drinking or fighting). All they have to do is step in and have a shrimp cocktail and glass of champagne. They will all know they don't deserve an invite, but everytime they pull the ticket out of their still has their name on it. So they just shut up and put it back in their pocket and enjoy the party. PS God has not forgotten His Jewish Children..He is just waiting till they drop their resistance to his way of doing things (giving tickets indiscrimanently)and step into the party. Oh by the way...the Jews will come to the party..because God the Host of the party won't start the real entertainment till they do. So we just drink our champagne and mingle and stay out of trouble till the most honored Son (Jesus) gets out of His limo and enters the party to mass applause and cheers and music and dancing. What a day that will be. More later.


  1. This was fun, especially about how God gives tickets to those not even interested. Plus, it is about a party isn't it. Everyone loves a party. I wonder why, ha ha. Brian

  2. Well Hello Scott! Got your link through Brian's blog. Lots to read through here I see. Do come visit my blog if you have the time.
