Monday, April 12, 2010

Hideous teaching on forgiveness

I read the following below in a a CBN (Christian Broadcsting Network ) posting called "Pastors caught in sexual sin" (

Does anybody else have a problem with this?? Okay I quote:

"Another way we are deceived is when we presume on God’s mercy and forgiveness. We yield to temptation, presuming that God will forgive us. To be deceived in such a way is very dangerous. There are two significant dangers to keep in mind concerning what I call presumptive forgiveness.
The first danger is that you will not be forgiven because you will not have truly repented. God’s forgiveness is based on true repentance (Acts 26:20). God is not mocked. To truly repent means that you sincerely admit you were wrong in yielding to sin and if you were faced with the same temptation again you would, by the grace of God, choose to turn away. "

"We are decieved when we presume on God's mercy and forgiveness??"

Has there ever been a statement more anti Gospel than this? The gospel message is that we can incredulously presume God has forgiven us because HE chose to. His choosing does not make sense..and no we don't deserve it and it is completely independant of us..independant of what we do or don't do. (Gee whiz,that almost makes Him soverign!)

No amount of worked up sorrow and mustering up more determination against sin is ever going to CAUSE God to forgive us. While we were yet sinners (still doing willfull naughty stuff, not repentant) Christ died for the Ungodly.

The tough part about the Gospel is not that we are going to have to decide to be better boys and girls and become really sincere (see Islam). The tough narrow Christian road that few find is the one where you look at yourself, still caught in your sin, and you are pretty sure you will do the same thing tomorrow...and you believe what HE says. What does He say? You are forgiven right in the very act of comitting that sin..70 x 7. You are forgiven before during and after that sin eternally because God, decided to make you OK. He decided to make you His child. He doesn't say "Ok you are forgiven, but you have to decide you wan't to be better (slippery slope)" Man I think we are decieved when we don't presume we are crazy as it seems to believe such a thing.

The other issue I have with the CBN article is that it assumes the human race can control its sinning. I mean comon! What"s the point of the whole gospel story old and new testament? The human race is bent and determined on sinning, has never stopped sinning and never will.

We killed the Son of God for heaven sakes when He got in our way. Oh sure Bill my neighbor can't stop eating pie (what a glutton) and I can. However I can't seem to stop criticizing my wife and abusing her verbally. Bill does not do that. Jim can't stop watching porn. His friend Larry who criticizes Him can't ever get enough beer to drink. Who are we kidding? We may get one sin issue solved but there always is something to take its place.

My favorite part of the article I will quote next as follows:

"While counseling a woman who had committed adultery, I was trying to help her work through the steps of repentance. When I explained what true repentance was, she told me frankly that if she had to do it over again, she would make the same choices. She was not truly repentant. This lack of true repentance kept the door open to temptation, and she soon fell back into that adulterous relationship."

My opinion is that she was closer to true repentance with Her statement than the author thinks! She was telling the truth about herself..her desire to cheat and sin with that man was so powerfull she would probably do it again. Thats where God can meet her real true state. And when she realizes that He loves her just like that; a lost hopeless sinner..that will bring some weeping and perfume on Jesus feet.

It wasn't about her ability or willingnes to give up Her was about the fact that Jesus chose Her as his daughter eternally..whatever her behavior. He chose her when she keeps the adulterous relationship going or if she decides to quit.

PS I don't think its a good thing she continued hurts everybody...causes all sorts of chaos. But it has zero to do with the acceptance we have with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..who is not an Indian Giver

1 comment:

  1. Scott
    Brenda Luttrull here. Brian shared your Blog address with me, I was so thrilled. Love your posts. I told Ronny I had read some of your stuff, and he was thrilled. He wanted me to tell you how much he misses you, and how often he still thinks of you. He sends his deepest love and hopes everything is good with you.
    We are all doing well here - we have five grandchildren now, all of them live within five minutes of us, and we are together almost daily.
    Every day is such a testament to God's love, grace, and totality. Thank you for the clearly stated discernment in this post. It drives me crazy when satan tries to steal away our newbirthrights to joy and peace by trying to convince us we can be a human "doing" instead of just a "being". Or that there is something intrinsically wrong with our precious humanity. I am seeing so much these days, though, that I just count it all joy and walk on. I love the insight I have gained from the little booklet, "The Cross in the Heart of God." by Alan Parker. Really love having the fellowship at Mimi's.
